Researchers Have Developed A New Process For Titanium-Based Nanocomposite Coating



Researchers Have Developed A New Process For Titanium-Based Nanocomposite Coating

Researchers from the Ural Federal University of Russia and the Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences jointly developed a new titanium-based four-component nanocomposite coating TiSiCN (titanium, silicon, carbon, nitrogen) process, which can be used as a wear-resistant protective coating to protect aircraft and gas turbine engines and other components, and is widely used in metal processing and biomedical fields. The composite coating does not require high temperature, nor does it require additional devices and materials. The results of the research were published in the journal "Membranes".

Russian researchers use the plasma chemical decomposition method to manufacture a multi-component active medium with a gas discharge device with a hollow cathode and an active anode, without the need to install a separate ionization and filtration system. Researchers use a silicone precursor—volatile low-toxicity liquid containing SiC (silicon, carbon) and SiN (silicon, nitrogen) bonds involved in the formation of the final structure, evaporate titanium through an electron beam in the plasma, add titanium to the precursor gas medium, and form a nanocrystalline phase coating composed of TiN (titanium, nitrogen), TiC (titanium, carbon) or TiCN (titanium, carbon, nitrogen) crystals on the surface of the treated parts. The process has a higher deposition rate and high ion flux density than magnetron sputtering, and has low cost and no pollution.


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