To Help 10,000 Meters Of Oil And Gas Extraction, Domestic Ultra-Long Titanium Alloy Coiled Tubing Appeared



To Help 10,000 Meters of Oil and Gas Extraction, Domestic Ultra-Long Titanium Alloy Coiled Tubing Appeared

In recent years, our country has continuously increased its efforts in oil and gas exploration and development, and unconventional oil and gas resources such as oil and gas and combustible ice in deep, deep, and harsh environments have gradually become the main direction of exploration and development. From March 25th to 27th, domestic ultra—long titanium alloy coiled tubing was exhibited in the new hall of China International Exhibition Center in Beijing.

Titanium alloy continuous pipe has the advantages of light weight, high corrosion resistance, and high fatigue life. It can be widely used in oilfield workover, logging, ultra-deep wells, and marine, harsh and corrosive environments. It can also be used as a pipeline pipe for oil and gas transportation in well sites or oceans. Due to the diversity, speed and reliability of its operations, coiled tubing and its operating equipment are called “universal operating machines”.

After years of research, China Youyan Technology Group Co., Ltd. and many other units have cooperated in research to extend the lower depth limit of titanium alloy coiled tubing from 7,000 meters to more than 12,000 meters. The successful development of ultra-long titanium alloy coiled tubing marks a major breakthrough in a number of key technologies in the preparation process, and provides important engineering equipment for deep oil and gas extraction.


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