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Key Technologies For The Design, Processing And Use Of Advanced High-temperature Titanium Alloy
Engine Structural Integrity Program (ENSIP) in the United States require that the high-cycle fatigue life of titanium alloy engine parts should reach a minimum of 109 cycles [33]. As the applied stress decreases, the fatigue crack initiation position tends to occur from the surface to the interior. For 600 ℃ high temperature titanium alloy blisks, titanium matrix composite blisk rings and TiAl alloy blades, the fatigue performance of the blades is very sensitive to vibration stress, and their ultra-high cycle fatigue behavior and performance should be fully studied. Reasonable selection of appropriate surface strengthening methods, such as laser shock strengthening and low-plasticity polishing, can improve the ultra-high cycle fatigue performance of the blade and prevent internal damage and catastrophic failure caused by blade failure.