Domestic Replacement Of New Breakthrough Titanium Plate Seawater Heat Exchanger Goes Offline In Lans



Domestic Replacement of New Breakthrough Titanium Plate Seawater Heat Exchanger Goes Offline in Lanshi

Recently, the 20 million tons/year refining and chemical integration project developed by Lanshi Reloading Heat Exchange Company has completed the localization of titanium plate heat exchangers and is ready to go.

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For the first time, the project used domestic titanium plate as a raw material, breaking the technological monopoly of foreign companies, and realizing the localized manufacture of seawater titanium plate plate heat exchangers. During the product development process, the heat exchange company strictly manages the design, procurement, on-site construction, etc. to ensure that the product technology, product quality, and manufacturing progress are controllable throughout the process, and the product manufacturing is completed one month in advance with quality and quantity, which provides a solid guarantee for the completion and commissioning of the user's enterprise project.

As a leader in the heat exchanger industry, Lanshi Reloaded Heat Exchange Company has focused on expanding and strengthening China's equipment manufacturing and increasing product research and development efforts. From the design and manufacture of the first BP05 plate heat exchanger to the development of PCHE microchannel welded heat exchanger, it has created many firsts in China and the industry.


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